Bromstone Primary School
General Admissions
Our aim is to instil a love of learning in our children through the delivery of a stimulating and creative curriculum that values every child’s interests and contributions. We are a welcoming, inclusive school, recognising that every child is a unique individual.
If you are interested in a place please contact the School Office on 01843 867010 to arrange a tour. Alternatively you can book a tour on line here.
Bromstone Foundation Primary School Admission Arrangements
It is the intention of the Governors that children who are admitted to the Foundation Stage will do so before their fifth birthday. Usually, children will enter the Foundation Stage at the start of the academic year that they have their fifth birthday. The School’s Published Admission Number is 60.
Contact details are as follows:
The Executive Headteacher
Bromstone Primary School
Rumfields Road
Kent CT10 2PW
Tel: 01843 867010 email: office@bromstone.kent.sch.uk
For further details, please see the attached Bromstone Admission Policies.
To apply for an in-year place at Bromstone in any year group, please fill out our application form, http://www.kent.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/3522/in-year-admission-form.pdf and book a School Tour by completing our clicking here.
Special educational needs and disabilities children
Most children with special educational needs and disabilities can attend mainstream schools, whether or not they have an education, health and care (EHC) plan.
If your child has an EHC plan, then their school placement will be arranged via the SEN Team.
Find out more about applying for a school place for your SEND child.