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Bromstone Primary School

Term 1-What adventures have you been on?

As part of our theme this half-term we will be learning all about different types of journeys we can go on and how they make us feel. . We are using Drawing Club for our English carpet sessions and the books we will be exploring are: Once we were Giants, We are going on bear hunt, Hansel and Gretel, The runaway train and Whatever Next.

In maths, we will follow the 'White Rose' scheme as we continue to learn about early number and the principles of counting. The units this half-term are about pattern, sorting and comparing, as well as 1, 2 and 3.  We will sing number rhymes, count, sort, subitise and recognise numerals. We will also problem solve. We are looking at numbers within 5 to begin with, exploring the composition of numbers.  We will also explore measures and shape.  Click on the white rose link here to find out more:

We continue to follow our successful Little Wandle phonics scheme. Click on the link to learn the correct pronunciation of the letters.
There is some more information here:

Below is a Reception Timetable, so that you can see what we do every day! There are also plans for the year and a curriculum overview. Of course we add bits through the year and adapt it ongoing to meet the interests and needs of all learners, as we follow your child's next steps on their unique journey. 

Click on the link to look more closely at 'Development Matters 2023'