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Bromstone Primary School

Term 2 - Do we need to explore?

Key dates:

8th and 9th November: Parents consultations

Christmas performance: TBC


Primary 1 Homework Week Beginning 19th October – St. Barbara's Primary  School

Welcome back to Term 2! We hope all of the children have had a wonderful break and are ready for a fun-filled term ahead.

This term we are going to be exploring the question 'Do we need to explore?' as part of our whole school concept question 'Why do rights exist?'.

Explore-exploit tradeoff - Definition and examples — Conceptually

As it is Black History Month, we are going to be starting the term learning all about sporting giants, Olympic heroes and British champions. We will discuss the impact that have made to society and what challenges they may have had to overcome to become successful.

We will be focusing in on this year's theme in Black History Month 'Saluting our Sisters', paying respect to black women whose contributions to history were ignored or silenced. 

We will read the stories 'Shine' and  'Mixed' and will be tying these in with our learning for the week.

In English, we will be reading 'George and the Dragon' and will focus on character description within narrative writing. 

Towards the end of the term, we will move onto writing our own post cards focusing on 'Meerkat's Christmas'. 

George and the Dragon | Centre for Literacy in Primary EducationMeerkat Christmas : Gravett, Emily: Books

For Maths this term, we are going to continue to focus on addition and subtraction, adding three 1-digit numbers, adding and subtracting the next 10 and across a 10, moving onto adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers. 

Later on, we will move onto shape, where we will first be focusing on recapping our knowledge from Year 1 before moving onto learning about vertices, edges, faces and lines of symmetry on 2D and 3D shapes. 

At the end of the term, we will be exploring money by looking at pence, pounds and notes. We will compare amounts of money and calculate using money. 


For Science, we are going to continue to learn all about materials. We will be putting our scientific hats on, thinking like a scientist by predicting, investigating and comparing materials to discover which materials are most suitable for everyday objects. 

What are materials? | TheSchoolRun


In DT we will be thinking about where food comes from and how the food that is produced ends up on our plate. We will look at 'Healthy eating' and will discover what the 'Eat Well plate' is and how food impacts our body. 

For Art, we are going to delve into aboriginal artwork using a range of media in different ways. We will begin to create our own dot paintings and will be producing some Christmas artwork!

In Geography, we will be using our navigational skills to locate and name UK features using a map. We will be looking at identifying local landmarks, finding land and sea using a globe and will begin to draw our own maps. We will move onto using compasses and will make simple observational skills. 

Compass Rose SVG Nautical Compass SVG Compass SVG Cut Table - Etsy UK