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Bromstone Primary School

Term 2 - How Does War Affect People's Rights?

Welcome to term 2 of Year 5! We have lots of exciting things planned, which you can read about below...


For Term 2, our class text will be '1918: Coming Home' by Jim Eldridge - an incredible story following thirteen-year-old Joe Henry who has tricked his way into the army to bring his father home, but fighting in the Great War is tougher than he could have ever imagined...



In maths, year 5 will be exploring the world of fractions! Children will be consolidating their knowledge from year 4, as well as developing new skills such as finding equivalent fractions, converting improper fractions to mixed numbers, and how to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with different denominators.


Smugglers | Reproductions of famous paintings for your wallTopic & Science     

This term will have a history and geography focus as we explore the events that led up to, and happened during the First World War. Children will be looking through the lens of our big question 'How does war affect people's rights?' and understanding the geographic and human toll the Great War had.


Free Vector | Types of force for children physics educationalFor science, we will be delving into the world of forces! Children will lead a series of experiments to understand and evaluate the strength of air resistenance, friction and gravity in different situations, and decide whether they are a helpful or hindering force.