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Bromstone Primary School

Term 2 - Why do rights exist?

'Why do Rights Exist?"

Is it fair to eat bananas all year round?

Welcome back to term 2! This term, our overarching question is "why do rights exist?" and Year 3 will be focusing on the journey our food makes, and what the  fairtrade initiative means for the rights of workers.



For Term 2, our class text - 'The Cooking Club Detectives' by Ewa Jozefkowicz - will be testing our inference and deduction skills to solve some mysteries! The children will be exploring instruction writing and developing their persuasive writing skills with to create an advert.


In maths, children will be continuing the brilliant work they started on column addition and subtraction in term 1, as well as recapping arrays to develop their multiplication and division and exploring the 2, 3, 4, and 8 times tables. 

Topic & Science

This term will have a geography focus as we take a look at the journey of a banana, from the tree to our fruit bowl! Is it fair to eat them all year round? What impact does it have on our environment? What is fairtrade?

For science, we will be investigating key scientific questions about the life of plants. What are the different parts of a plant? How do you keep a plant alive? How does a plant reproduce? Watering cans at the ready!