Bromstone Primary School
Term 2- What makes me special?
Welcome back, we hope you had an enjoyable half-term break. We are looking forward to an exciting seven weeks full of fantastic learning opportunities.
The big question for the whole school this term is "Why do rights exist?". In Reception, we will look at ourselves and think about what makes us special. We will continue to explore the topic through stories and animations using Drawing Club. This term we will look at The best Diwali ever, What makes me Me, Freddie and the fairy, Giraffes can't dance, Elf on the shelf and the Nativity story.
There are lots of different celebrations happening around the world during this term, including Diwali, Remembrance Day, Bonfire night and, of course, Christmas. The children will be learning about these events and discussing if and how their families celebrate different occasions.
In Maths, we will continue exploring numbers up to 5 as well as circles and triangles, and shapes with 4 sides through the White Rose scheme, and we will subitise with NCETM Mathematic Mastery.
Through our PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) and UW (Understanding of the World) sessions, children will be learning about their similarities and differences,their bodies, emotions and themselves as young people.
As always, we will be producing lots of artwork, and we will be learning new songs to present in our Nativity!
Things to remember:
16th December-Year R Nativity (time to follow)
18th December-Year R pantomime trip (details to follow)
Tapestry-please check regularly for communication, home learning tips and updates on your child's learning.
Reading-please return reading books every Thursday and remember to sign/leave a comment.
Clothes-please remember to label all pieces of clothing. Please, check regularly if the label is still there. Also, make sure that your child has some spare clothes (preferably in a plastic bag) that will remain on their peg.
Book bags-please make sure the children only keep their books, school letters or school work in their book bags. Spare clothing should be sent separately (as stated above) as well as water bottles that often leak and can destroy books.
Forest school-please make sure your child has a pair of welly boots that remain at school.