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Bromstone Primary School

Term 3- How are real life heroes different to superheroes?

Happy New Year!

We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and had some wonderful time spent with your families!

Are you ready for a new Term? We hope you are as there is lots of fantastic learning waiting for you!

The whole school question this time is, "Why lead if can you follow?" In Reception, we will be wondering how real life heroes are different to superheroes.  To support our learning, we will read some interesting stories and watch animations like Supertato, PAW Patrol, PJ Masks, Cops and Robbers, Zog and the flying doctors. We will start the term by learning about New Year and how we celebrate it in the UK, and we will finish the term off by learning about Chinese New Year and its celebrations! We will talk about different customs, roles in society and we will create lots of artwork.

We will continue using the Little Wandle to learn Phonics and this term we will start learning Phase 3 sounds. Please find them in the link below:

Little Wandle Spring 1 phonemes

We will have a big focus on Tricky words so please support your child in learning them as much as you can! Tricky words Autumn  Tricky words Spring

In Maths, we will continue learning through White Rose and Mastering Number. The units we will cover are: Alive in 5, Mass and Capacity and Growing 6,7,8. 
Some additional Home Learning ideas. Don't forget to share your amazing learning on Tapestry!

Please find attached our timetable for your information.