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Bromstone Primary School

Term 3 - What makes a good leader?

A huge Happy New Year to all the children and their families.

We hope you have all had a wonderful, restful break and are ready for Term 3! 

This term, our whole school concept question is:

'Why lead when you can follow?'

Our question in Year 2 is:

'What makes a good leader?'.

We will be focusing specifically on our local community. 

Within English this term, we will be exploring 'Traditional tales', unpicking what we like/don't like about them, how they hook us as readers and what features traditional tales have. We will be focusing specifically on 'Little Red Reading Hood' throughout the term.Little Red Reading Hood : Rowland, Lucy, Mantle, Ben: Books

For Maths, we will continue to learn all about money, applying our skills to practical situations. We will then move onto exploring multiplication and division, identifying the connection between repeated addition and multiplication. We will be focusing on our 2's, 5's and 10's timetable throughout.

We will be using different manipulatives to consolidate our understanding including; counters, tens frames, dienes and cubes. 

 For Science, we will be exploring 'Animals including Humans'. We are going to be focusing on answering 3 key questions and will refer back to these questions throughout the term.

They are:

'What are offspring?'

'Why is it important for humans to exercise and eat the right amounts of different types of food?'

'What do humans and animals need to grow and survive?'.

As part of our year group concept question 'What makes a good leader?', in History we will be exploring leaders throughout time, modern leaders, religious leaders, and will be looking to identify what leaders we know of and what made them successful. We will tie this in with sporting leaders and will learn where they came from in the world and what impacted their success. 

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In DT we will be continuing to explore Healthy eating and will be linking this in with our Science topic where we explore how food impacts our mind and body. 

In PSHE, we will be exploring 'Citizenship' and will be looking at rules beyond school, our school and local environment and will hopefully be joined by some leaders in our community who will be talking about the role within our community.