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Bromstone Primary School

Term 4- Why should we care for our environment ?

We hope that you all had a lovely half-term. We cannot wait to hear all about your exciting adventures.

The whole school question is, What makes our environment special? In reception, we will be talking about our environment and what makes it special. To support our learning, we will read Jack and the Beanstalk, Extraordinary Gardner, The very hungry caterpillar, Superworm, Tadpole promise, Easter Story and How to catch the Easter Bunny. We plan to visit an allotment where we will learn about plants, animals and growing. We might even observe some interesting changes happening in our classrooms!

We will continue using Little Wandle to learn Phonics and this term we are learning longer words that we chunk up to make it easier to learn. Please support your child in continuing to learn our tricky words as much as you can. Tricky Words practice How to say our sounds-Phase 3 

In Maths, we will continue learning through White Rose and Mastering Numbers. The units we will cover are: Length, height and time, Building 9 and 10 and Exploring 3D shapes.

Some additional Home Learning ideas.