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Bromstone Primary School

Term 4-Can our planet survive without bees?

What makes our environment special?

Can our planet survive without bees?

Year 6 will be exploring the environment and investigating if our planet can survive without bees. We will be travelling to the rainforest as well as staying local to our own environment. Exploring a variety of different animals and how they are adapted to their environment.

In English, we will be writing explanation texts ans stories from imaginary worlds. The explanation text will be about bees, what we can do to help them and what they do to help us. We will be journeying into our imagination with our stories from imaginary worlds. We will be reading our class book 'Where the river runs gold' by Sita Brahmachari. A story about a world where bees have become extinct and the children are working as pollinators to pollinate the flowers, fruits and vegetables.

In Maths, we will be exploring shape, looking at angles and using protractors as well as properties of other 2D shapes. We will also be revisiting lots of the topics we’ve covered so far in year 6 so that children to build upon and consolidate the children’s fluency and reasoning skills as we head towards SATs.

Our topic will be predominantly Geography based this term. We are going to be exploring global warming and the effect of climate change on the world that we live in. We will look at sustainable development and how we can reduce our carbon footprint. 


In DT, we will be doing some food tasting and explore the impact of exportation and packaging on the environment. We are going to design a way to preserve nature on verges next to roads and design and create our own bird feeders. We are even going to be cooking up some tasty flapjacks made with local honey! 


Flapjack Adverts

We created radio adverts to promote our flapjacks that we made using honey.