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Bromstone Primary School

Term 4: Can we dig up the past?

This term we will be exploring the whole school question,

“Why is our environment so special?”

As a year group we are going to be exploring the question,

“ Can we dig up the past?”

This will be an important question as we explore the world of Ancient Egypt and the moral dilemma faced by archeologists as they explore ancient burial sites.

This term we will be exploring Ancient Egypt and learn about its wonders and mysteries. We will explore the curse of a boy king and explore the banks of the Nile.


In English we will be developing our journalist skills and reporting on Howard Carters great discovery in the Valley of the Kings. We will then move onto explore instruction writing and teach others how to mummify like the Egyptians.. The children will have the opportunity to explore the language and themes of each genre and develop their writing skills. We will be continuing to build on our presentation and handwriting skills.  
In guided reading we will continue to develop our inference skills by exploring our class text, The Secrets of a Sun King. We will be making predictions and developing our inference and deduction skills as we read beyond the text.


This term we will continue to develop our number skills and we are going to continue exploring fractions and learn how to multiply them and find fractions of an amount. Making the connection with fractions we will then move onto decimals. We will explore up to 2 decimal places and find the equivalent fractions to the decimal. In the final weeks of term we will recap on rounding and start to round decimals to 2 decimal places. Finally, we will bring in percentages and look at their equivalents across decimals and fractions.


This term we have a science week. We will be continuing to develop our skills as a scientist. We will making careful observations and recording what happens when you dissolve, mix an separate sugar and other solids. We will be developing our science vocabulary and develop our investigation skills.


In geography, we will be exploring where Egypt is in the world and move onto locating important and famous places within it. We will look closely at the River Nile and its importance for the country.


In history, we will discover lots of fascinating facts about the famous explorer, Howard Carter, and famous Pharaohs such as Tutankhamun, as well as exploring the ancient belief in the after life and mummification.


We will be making a collage around an Egyptian theme. We will be developing our use of colour, pattern and shape. 


We will be looking at economic well being and how risks are associated with money. We will also be looking at how we can budget around needs and not wants. 


We enjoy French and this term we will learn how to describe people. Including hair colour and clothing. Whilst also playing our usual fun language games.