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Bromstone Primary School

Term 4 - Does the world stand still?

'What makes our environment special?'

Does the world stand still?

Welcome back to term 4! This term, our overarching question is "Does the world stand still?" where Year 3 will be focusing on being geologists, exploring the earth's hidden, explosive secrets buried deep underground...


For Term 3, our class text - 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth' by Sarah Courtauld - will be leading us on a dramatic expedition to an Icelandic volcano, where a secret tunnel leads to the very centre of the earth... ! The children will be exploring newspaper reports and poetry as they learn more about this fearsome volcano!




In maths, children will be developing their understanding of fractions by ordering, comparing and find equivalent unit and non-unit fractions. They will also be continuing their work with measure, this time looking at mass and volume.


Topic & Science     

This term will have a geography focus as we explore the explosive world of rocks, earthquakes and volcanoes! We will be using our central question 'Does the world stand still?' to help us uncover the mysteries of different rock formations, tectonic plate shifts and massive volcanic eruptions that have shaped our world over millions of years.


 For science, we will be inspecting and classifying the different rocks that make up our earth, and scientifically analysing their properties. We will also look at what makes soil such an important part of our environment, and how not all soil is the same.