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Bromstone Primary School

Term 4 - What makes a good place to live?

Welcome back to another exciting, fun filled term! 

This term, our whole school concept question is 'What makes our environment special?'. For Year 2, we are going to be exploring 'What makes a good place to live?'. 


15 of The Most Beautiful Views in The UK, as Voted For By Brits

In English, we are going to start the term by exploring Non Chronological reports and will be looking at 'Big Cat's, exploring their features and identifying key facts about them. We will then be creating our own non-chronological report based on an animal of our choosing. 

When is a big cat not a “Big Cat”? | Wildlife Coexistence Lab

Towards the end of the term, we will be looking at poetry.


In Maths, we are going to be covering;

- length and height

Year 1 - Week 5 - Lesson 1 - Compare length and height on Vimeo

- mass, capacity and temperature

- fractions 


For Science this term, were are going to be thinking like a Scientist and will be working scientifically! We will be uncovering our skills as a scientist and will be planning and conducting a range of investigations. We are very excited for Science week too!

🔬 Scientific Method for Kids (with free printables!)

In the afternoons, in Computing we will be exploing natterhub and purple mash to use technology purposefully to create, store and organise digital content. 

In Art, we are going to be developing our drawing skills and will be looking at linking this in with our topic!

In PSHE, we are going to be exploring economic wellbeing and will be discovering where money comes from, exploring needs and wants, bank cards and accounts and skills and talents!

KS1 PSHE - Money | Teaching Resources