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Bromstone Primary School

Term 4 - Does the world stand still?


This term we will start off by writing an adventure story based on the book ‘The Secret of Black Rock’. We will then be writing some poetry inspired by the seasons and focusing on personification and other descriptive technique. We will continue to have weekly spelling based on age-related spelling rules and Y3 common exception words. We will also be revising the use of apostrophes for contraction (such as don’t, can’t and shouldn’t). 


In maths, we will start by working on fractions. We will be learning what the numerator and denominator are and then using this to compare and order fractions. We will then look at equivalent fractions and use visuals such as bar models and number lines to support this. For the last few weeks we will be moving in to mass and capacity. Within this unit we will be comparing, adding, subtracting and finding equivalent units of measure. We will continue to work on our times tables and also have World Maths Day to look forward to!


This term, we will be studying volcanoes and other natural disasters. We will be looking at the layers of the earth, tectonic plates and other elements of physical geography. We will be condensing our science into one week, National Science Week, where we will be working scientifically to respond to enquires- this year’s theme is ‘Time’. Lewes Class will be swimming this term whilst Richborough work on their computing skills back in the classroom. They will be learning how to collect data and create bar charts and pie charts digitally. This term we have Forest School- please remember to send children in with spare shoes and clothes for their correct day (Lewes Class- Thursday, Richborough Class- Wednesday)