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Bromstone Primary School

Term 5- What happens when there is Conflict?

Should we always do as we are told?

Do Adventures change us?

Welcome to term 5 of the year and hopefully some sunnier and warmer weather. 


Our class text is Float by Daniel Miyares, which links to our topic for the term . We will be using this text to write our own Narrative, using key vocabulary to describe the stormy setting of the story. 


This term we will be moving on from Fractions and looking at Decimals. Children will learn about tenths of a Decimal, rounding to the nearest whole number and converting Halves and quarters into decimals. We do ask that children still practise their times tables on a regular basis. Children are encouraged to do their Times Tables Rockstars at home. 


Our Topic this term is Vikings, where we will look at the History of the Vikings, who they were and what they wore. We will be analysing the Viking King, look at the Viking invaders and even make our own Viking Long boats. Our whole School concept this term is Conflict. In PSHE we will be taking part in an NHS research project where the children will take part in lessons from the CUES programme - and an opportunity to generate and normalise conversation about the NHS, mental health and the importance of looking after ourselves.


Our Science this term is Scientific Enquiry. We will be investigating the rate in which a Marshmallow can melt, how we can get an egg to travel along a zip wire without dropping and making a catapult to fire different size marshmallows to knock down a wall. The children will need to use a range of skills to solve these investigations.