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Bromstone Primary School

Term 5 - How do you grow a better world?

Welcome back to Summer 1, we hope you have all had a well rested Easter break! 


This term, our whole school concept question is 'What happens when there is conflict?'. For Year 2, we are going to be exploring 'How do you grow a better world?'. 


In English, we are going to start the term by exploring letters based on "The Day the Crayons Quit' 🖍️. We will then move onto narrative writing, looking at a fable called "The Crow's Tale'. 


In Maths, we are going to be covering;

- fractions 

- time  


For Science this term, we are going to be looking at plants, firstly recapping our learning from Year 1. Over the term, we will be planting, growing and observing how different plants and flowers grow from a range of seeds or bulbs. We will continue to watch our potatoes grow and look forward to tasting these next term! 


In the afternoons, in Computing we will be exploing natterhub and purple mash to look at the work of impressionist artwork to recreate our own artwork based on a range of styles. 

In Art, we are going to be developing our cutting, folding, designing and evaluating skills to create our own 3D sculptures using paper.

In PSHE, we are going to be exploring safety and the changing body. We will firstly be looking at using the internet safely, communicating online, secrets and surprises, medicines, road safety and finally appropriate contact (we will inform parents before teaching this to share the content prior to teaching).