Bromstone Primary School
Year 3
Meet the teachers:
Lewes Class:
Mrs Emptage
Richborough Class:
Miss Bates
Key Information
PE is on Friday morning
Reading Books - The children are to routinely change their school reading book every Monday. They will have an accompanying blue book for adults to sign. If the children finish a book before Monday and would like to change this they can do this any day of the week. The children should be encouraged to read 3 times a week. They will also have access to the school library on Thursdays for Richbororugh class and Fridays for Lewes class and they can bring a reading for pleasure book home, this book can be read to the child. The children must return their library books to choose a new one.
Forest School is on Wednesdays
On their forest school day, we ask that children come to school dressed in their forest school clothes and MUST bring a spare pair of shoes/clothes in case they get muddy or wet. If they don’t have spare shoes/ clothes they WILL NOT be able to take part in forest school.
- One pair of wellington boots or old trainers
- A pair of socks
- Sturdy trousers such as jeans
- Shorts to the knee (summer term)
- A long-sleeved fleece or coat
- A pair of gloves (for the Winter months)
- A woollen hat or a sun hat (dependent on the weather)
- Waterproofs
Below are some websites to help your child practice maths and spellings. If they have lost their passcodes please don't hesitate to ask. (Please click to photos to go directly to that website)